Life Skills and Digital Educational Technologies: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Fabiana Maris Versuti USP-RP
  • Juliana de Lima USP-RP
  • Isabela Pizarro Rebessi USP-RP
  • Carmem Beatriz Neufeld USP-RP



Systematic Review, Educational Technologies, Life Skills


Research related to the theme of Life Skills has been the subject of scientific investigations that have highlighted and clarified how the behavioral and socioemotional processes take place related to essential dimensions for success throughout life, such as attending academic, social and professional demands, interpersonal relationship skills, among others. Taking the school environment as a reference, one of the key points for the development of these skills, this study aims to synthesize the available evidence in the panorama of the Brazilian scientific literature about interventions focused on the development of Life Skills, which use Educational Digital Technologies as an intervention tool, in the last ten years. For this, a systematic literature review was carried out, which included subsequent and linked stages, in a format based on the Evidences Platform model - Summarize Module (SUMARIZE), which was used for the search and writing stages of this article. SUMARIZE was used to guide the development of systematic review protocols that helped authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, as is the scope of this research. The main results are concentrated in ten articles that comprehensively encompassed the two constructs, Life Skills and educational digital technologies. In general, it is evident that the school environment is an underused space for the insertion of educational digital technologies as a mediator of access to learning, with great potential for working with Life Skills.


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How to Cite

VERSUTI, F. M.; DE LIMA, J.; REBESSI, I. P.; NEUFELD, C. B. Life Skills and Digital Educational Technologies: A Systematic Literature Review. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 1105–1120, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2020.28.0.1105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



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