Evidence on the development of socioemotional skills via digital educational technologies for children of the 21st century: a systematic mapping of the state of the art as an incentive for managers to support Brazilian public policies


  • Felipe Faustino de Souza Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) - PROCC
  • Luís Antônio dos Santos Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) - PROCC
  • Maria Augusta S. N. Nunes Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) - PPGI / (UFS) - PROCC




Mindfulness, Empathy Development, Education, Evidence, Empathy, Socio-emotional program, Educational technologies, Digital technologies


Context: The development of socioemotional skills can be considered as a very relevant element to be incorporated into the education of children for the 21st century. Their employability will depend on how these skills will have been incorporated and developed during the current Brazilian teaching-learning processes, which is a recurring concern for managers to be even supported through public policies. Objective: To map the initiatives, seeking scientific evidence, of how the development of these socio-emotional skills, such as Empathy and Mindfulness, has been presented, developed and / or applied to children of the 21st century who are part of Brazilian basic education with the purpose of assisting educational managers. Methodology: Using the Systematic Mapping of Literature method, proposed by Petersen et al., A research was carried out in national and international databases aiming to answer, among others, the question: "What evidence exists that relate the use of digital educational technologies? / analogues for the development of socioemotional skills for students in Brazilian basic education? ". Results: 96 studies were found showing socio-emotional skills (Empathy and Mindfulness), which meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These revealed that socio-emotional skills were developed using digital / analog educational technologies and mostly with evidence supported by statistical methods. Conclusion: The analysis of these publications made it possible to obtain an overview of the digital / analogue educational technologies that have been used in the context of the development of socioemotional skills (Empathy / Mindfulness) in the Brazilian and worldwide scenario, how and where they have been applied, and the results obtained with your application. The data show that there is evidence of publications that develop socio-emotional skills, such as Empathy and Mindfulness, which are applicable to children of the 21st century in Brazilian basic education, as well as abroad, and which, in their majority, are supported by methods / statistical techniques, thus revealing rigor in the validation of its results.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, F. F. de; SILVA, L. A. dos S.; NUNES, M. A. S. N. Evidence on the development of socioemotional skills via digital educational technologies for children of the 21st century: a systematic mapping of the state of the art as an incentive for managers to support Brazilian public policies. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 1121–1150, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2020.28.0.1121. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/rbie/article/view/4220. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



Special Issue :: Mapping and SLR - Technologies for Basic Education