EducAR – Quadrics: A Tool to Aid teaching of Calculus through Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality, Teaching, Mobile, CalculusAbstract
Education as a field of research has great potential for the development of Augmented Reality applications. This applications may help in the visualization of tridimensional structures, such as Quadric Surfaces. This work presents EducAR - Quadrics, an app to support the teaching of quadric surfaces in a playful and interactive way, using Augmented Reality as a technological resource for mobile devices. The app was developed for smartphones and tablets so that students have access on their own devices, being able to use not only in the classroom but also in their individual studies. In the app, the user can visualize the six main quadric surfaces and change parameters in their equations. An initial qualitative evaluation was carried out after the launch of the first version and the participants’ considerations about the contribution of the tool were positive. A new version of the app was elaborated and an experimental study was proposed with the objective of performing a qualitative and quantitative analysis. It was possible to conclude that EducAR - Quadrics proved to be as efficient and effective as the conventional approach evaluated, making the realization of the tasks, according to the users, more interesting.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Lidiane Teixeira Pereira, Douglas Coelho Braga de Oliveira, Igor Freitas Couto, Alessandreia Marta de Oliveira, Rodrigo Luis de Souza da Silva

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