Educational Systems and Environments: Policies, Quality, Technological Development and Innovation


This special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Informatics in Education (Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, RBIE) is an initiative of the Doctorado en Sistemas y Ambientes Educativos (DSAE), a graduate program of the Faculty of Electronic Sciences (FCE), at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Puebla, Mexico.

The theme of this special issue reflects the goal of finding out what researchers from Latin American countries are doing on topics related to the research lines of the aforementioned program. We aim to create opportunities to expand our collaborations (for example, using research methods proposed in the region, exchanging potential external thesis reviewers, carrying out research internships, inviting lectures), in addition to identifying publications in the area that we can use as references in our program.

With this in mind, the main goal of this special issue is to generate a collection of original and unpublished manuscripts that report research results, systematic reviews and comparative studies between what has been carried out in Mexico and other country(ies) on topics related to research lines of the DSAE program.

Important dates

  • Manuscripts submission: August 26th to December 2nd, 2024 (it was October 31st, 2024)
  • First notification to authors: February 3rd, 2025 (it was December 2nd, 2024)
  • Second notification to authors: March 17th, 2025 (it was February 28, 2025)
  • Publication of the accepted manuscripts: in continuous flow, as final versions are received

P.S.: As the journal operates in a continuous flow of submission, evaluation and publication, the dates indicated are estimates and may vary.

Topics of interest

Manuscripts may cover one or more topics related to the lines of research, including, but not limited to, the following:

1. Policies, prospecting and quality in educational systems and environments

This line includes specific topics related to:

  • Legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Standards, dimensions and indicators of quality and social impact
  • Organizational management models
  • Processes, mechanisms and instances for accreditation, authorization and recognition of university courses
  • Internationalization and multiculturalism
  • Curricular challenges (methodologies, instructional design and transversality of competencies)
  • Educational research for decision-making
  • Technological development for socio-educational inclusion
  • Characterization of psycho-educational and social factors of educational systems and environments
  • Economy and knowledge management in educational modalities and different environments
  • Cost-benefit analysis and access opportunities for distance education

2. Technological development and innovation in educational systems and environments

This line includes specific topics related to:

  • Technological infrastructure and connectivity
  • Virtualization of education
  • New strategies and interactive pedagogical systems (flipped classroom, gamification, augmented reality, simulation, among others)
  • Tools, methods and techniques in science for learning (including, but not limited to machine learning, data mining, big data, artificial intelligence and robotics)
  • Educational modalities (e- b- m-learning)
  • Pedagogical usability and technology user experiences
  • Development, implementation and evaluation of digital educational materials and resources
  • Construction and administration of educational repositories and platforms
  • Media and information skills for learning

Instructions for authors

We recommend that the number of authors does not exceed 6 (six) per manuscript. We accept original and unpublished manuscripts, as well as works that extend previously published manuscripts by at least 30% compared to previously published work (in this case, sending of the reference to the previous publication is required) – a minimum of 50% original content is recommended.

Manuscripts must be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 pages long, excluding references and annexes. Submissions in Spanish or Portuguese must also include the title, abstract and keywords in English.

To write the manuscript, authors must follow the Authors Guidelines available on the RBIE website. Manuscripts must follow the RBIE format (.docx or .tex) for the first submission (attention must be paid to eliminate all information that could identify the authors, in accordance with the anonymous review policy). Submission and publication of accepted manuscripts are free.

As part of the submission process, authors must demonstrate that their manuscript meets the following elements. Manuscripts that do not comply with these elements will be returned to the authors:

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being reviewed simultaneously in another publication medium;
  • The identification of authorship of the work was eliminated (names and contact information of the authors, names in the headers, file properties and any other information that could identify the authors), thus guaranteeing the confidentiality criterion. Author information must be included only in the final version of the manuscript, once it has been accepted for publication;
  • The text follows the instructions (including language, number of pages, structure and format with style standards and bibliographic requirements) that are described in the call for manuscripts of this special edition of the journal;
  • It is a complete scientific work (follows a scientific method and presents research contributions, literature reviews or comparative studies as results);
  • The investigation carried out takes ethical issues into consideration. Reporting how the research was planned and carried out ethically is required for any work, in which human beings participated. If the work has not been submitted to a Human Research Ethics Committee (or an Institutional review board - IRB), it is necessary to include a justification in the manuscript. Furthermore, we recommend that authors follow existing writing ethics standards, such as those relating to authorship, plagiarism, data fabrication, conflicts of interest and the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools;
  • All authors have an ORCID identifier.

Peer Review Process

This call will select manuscripts following a double anonymization process in peer review. Before sending the manuscript to three anonymous external reviewers with experience in the area, the editors carry out an initial assessment to check whether the work meets the formal requirements of the call.

With the reviewers' recommendations, the editors communicate the evaluation results to the corresponding authors. Editors send the overall review result (accepted, accepted with modifications, or rejected) including reviewers' comments.

If the manuscript is accepted with modifications, the authors must send a new version of the manuscript, which will be reviewed again by the same reviewers (second round). In addition, authors must attach a letter to the editors, which must indicate the modifications made to the manuscript based on the observations and recommendations provided in the notification. If the authors decide not to follow the instructions of a particular reviewer, they must explain in the letter their reasons for doing so.

Guest editors responsible for the special edition

Jaime Sabines Córdova (ORCID: 0000-0002-2380-6571). Lecturer at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) since 2012; Master in Educational Development from the National Pedagogical University (UPN) and graduated in International Relations from UNAM. Jaime has training in advanced studies for the application of Information and Communication Technologies for distance education, experience in Virtual Learning Environments and web applications such as Moodle and Blackboard, as well as experience in teaching in an open and distance learning system at the undergraduate level. He also has served in the roles of guidance, tutoring, academic supervision, virtual coordination, course creation and instructional design. Currently, he is working towards a PhD in Educational Systems and Environments at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico.

Soraia Silva Prietch (ORCID: 0000-0002-4552-3142). Research professor at the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), Mato Grosso, Brazil, since 2004. She obtained a first doctoral degree, in Digital Systems (with focus on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI), from the University of Sao Paulo (USP, 2014). Currently, she is pursuing a second doctorate at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico, carrying out research on promoting awareness on responsible AI topics. She was a guest co-editor of the special issue: "Building Latin American Synergies (LATAM) for Collaborative Research in Computing and Education" by RBIE, published in 2021, and is the current chair of the Latin American HCI Community (LAIHC 2023-2025) .

Daniel Mocencahua Mora (ORCID: 0000-0003-4718-7442). Research professor at the Faculty of Electronic Sciences at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico. He holds a Doctorate in Mathematics and serves as Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Educational Systems and Environments at BUAP. He was a member of the editorial board for the books “Sistemas y Ambientes Educativos: Experiencias Educativas en Tiempos de la Pandemia” (2020), Chief-editor of the: “Experiencias educativas en la covidianidad” (2021) and “Instrumentos de Investigación Educativa” (2022), of the United Academic Journalspublisher.  Author of the following books: Con-ciencia (2017, BUAP), Escribir para divulgar (2019, Montiel & Soriano) and Peque – Manual para adoptar un robot (2020, CONCYTEP).  In July 2023, he published, as coordinator, along with Ricardo Cartas, the book Narraciones de Ciencia y Ficción 2021 consisting of the finalist stories of the competition of the same name, of which he was the organizer.

Special Edition Reviewers

Adriana Lorena Iñiguez Carrillo, PhD., UDG, Mexico

Dr. Agustín Lagunes Domínguez, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Veracruz, Mexico

Dr. Alfredo García Suárez, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dr. Amaury Antônio Castro Junior, PhD., UFMS, Brazil

Dra. Ana Casali, PhD., UNR y CIFASI, Rosario, Argentina

Dra. Ana Cázares Castillo, PhD., Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico

Dra. Ana Claudia Tiessi, PhD., FATEC Ipiranga e Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, Brazil

Dra. Ana Lara Casagrande, PhD., Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brazil

Dra. Ana Lucia Andruchak, PhD., UNEMAT, Brazil

Dra. Ana Teresa Morales, PhD., LANIA, Xalapa, Veracruz

Dr. Carlos Alex Sander J. Gulo, PhD., UNEMAT, Brazil

Dr. Cesar Alberto Collazos, PhD., Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

Dra. Claudia Verónica Lezama Péreza, PhD., ITESM, Puebla, Mexico

Dra. Cristiane Koehler, PhD., UFMT, Brazil

Dr. Daniel Jose Salas Alvarez, PhD., Universidad de Córdoba,Colombia

Dra. Erika Annabel Martínez Mirón, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dra. Eugenia Erica Vera Cervantes, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dra. Fábia Magali Santos Vieira, PhD., UNIMONTES, Brazil

Dr. Francisco Javier Alvarez Rodríguez, PhD., Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Dr. Frederick van Amstel, PhD., University of Florida, EUA

Dr. Genaro Aguirre-Aguilar, PhD., Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Dra. Graziela Santos de Araújo, PhD., UFMS, Brazil

Dra. Guadalupe Ruiz-Vivanco, PhD., BUAP, Mexico

Dr. Gustavo Zurita, PhD., UCHILE, Chile

Dr. Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, PhD., UFLA, Brazil

Dr. Ivan Olmos Pineda, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dr. Juan Pablo Sánchez Domínguez, PhD., UNACAR, Mexico

Dra. Laura Carlota Regil Vargas, PhD., Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico

Dra. Luciana Correia Faria Borges, PhD., UFMT, Brazil

Dr. Luis A. Castro, PhD., ITSON, Mexico

Dr. Luis Abraham Sánchez Gaspariano, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dra. Luz Adriana Cordero-Cid, PhD., BUAP, Mexico

Dra. Maria Amelia Eliseo, PhD., Mackenzie, Brazil

Dra. Maria Elena Garcia, PhD., Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay

Dr. Mario Chacón-Rivas, PhD., ITCR, Costa Rica

Dra. Marlise Geller, PhD., ULBRA, Brazil

Dr. Max Robert Marinho, PhD., UNEMAT, Brazil

Dr. Nestor Dario Duque Mendez, PhD., Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Dra. Patricia Lagunes Domínguez, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Veracruz, Mexico

Dr. Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, PhD., MIT, USA

Dr. Rafael Morales Gamboa, PhD., UDG, Mexico

Dr. Raymundo Cornejo, PhD., UACH, Mexico

Dr. Ricardo Nakamura, PhD., USP, Brazil

Dr. Ricardo Villegas Tovar, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dr. Roberto Pereira, PhD., UFPR, Brazil

Dr. Rubén Edel-Navarro, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, UV, Mexico

Dr. Sebastián Figueroa Rodríguez, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Veracruz, Mexico

Dra. Taciana Pontual Falcão, PhD., UFRPE, Brazil

Dra. Teresita de Jesús Álvarez Robles, PhD., UABCS, Mexico

Dr. Toni Amorim de Oliveira, PhD., UNEMAT, Brazil

Dr. Waine Teixeira Júnior, PhD., UFR, Brazil

Dra. Yadira Navarro Rangel, PhD., DSAE/ BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Dra. Yosly Hernández  Bieliukas, PhD., Universidad Central de Venezuela


Please access the "Indexing and Stats" page for more information about the journal. It is worth noting that the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), considering the 2017-2020 period, assigned an A4 Qualis ranking to RBIE.