Development and Evaluation of an Example-Based Interactive Tool for Learning System Modeling Using Petri Nets




Learning, Modeling, Petri net, Tool


Computational systems have become increasingly complex and this has required the development of techniques to guarantee certain characteristics such as high availability and low cost. Thus, the interest in the use of computational models has increased in recent years, given that they can be used in situations where it is very expensive or even impossible to test or measure the various characteristics of computer systems (e.g. availability or reliability). However, a great challenge in the use of such models is their understanding, since they are not intuitive and require a considerable effort to learn the notation used. Often, the lecture approach in the classroom, in computer science majors, is insufficient to guarantee the learning of computational modeling. Interactive educational tools based on examples can assist learning through exercise and practice. This work addresses the development and evaluation of TryRdP, a free, interactive and example-based web tool to assist the learning of computational modeling using Petri Nets, a content that integrates curricula in computer science, computer engineering and others courses. Petri Nets are mathematical formalisms widely used to model, analyze and design diverse systems, including computer systems. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool, experiments were carried out with students and professors from higher education computer science majors, investigating usability and utility of the tool in supporting the learning of computational modeling. Overall, the results indicate that the tool meets the main requirements of usability and was well evaluated regarding its didactic-pedagogical application.


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How to Cite

LIMA, J. W. S. de; PONTUAL FALCÃO, T.; ANDRADE, E. Development and Evaluation of an Example-Based Interactive Tool for Learning System Modeling Using Petri Nets. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 1232–1261, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.2072. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.




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