Computational Thinking Goes to School: Implications for Teacher Education in Brazil




Computational thinking, Computer science teacher education, Curriculum, Higher education


Integrating Computational Thinking (CT) and Computer Science (CS) concepts into school curricula is a global trend nowadays. However, most research and educational programs and products focus on students’ needs, while much less work is being done on teacher education, so that they develop subject and pedagogical knowledge on CT. Reflecting an encouragement for autonomous learning, some CT resources for in-service teachers are available, such as online courses for building capacity as well as tools and activities for lessons. Meanwhile, the Brazilian government has already determined that CT must be present in school curricula and also in teacher education programs from all areas of knowledge. Nevertheless, little change is perceived in Brazilian schools, and knowledge about CT among school teachers is still incipient, indicating that, for teachers to integrate CT within their disciplines, in service development might not be sufficient. Meanwhile, faculty from teacher education programs have been mostly unresponsive to the new demands related to CT, and face the not surprising barrier of their own lack of knowledge on the topic. In the Brazilian context, CS teacher education programs could be a key to solving this puzzle, as both faculty and student teachers are dealing with CS Education and CT. However, CS student teachers remain isolated and often ignored by national policies, while most investment is made on in-service development for school teachers. This paper presents CT research in Brazil related to teacher education, resources for in-service training, the potential contribution of the CS teacher education programs, and, within this context, discusses which directions could be followed to inform national policies and curricula adaptations in higher education institutions (HEI). More attention must be given to developing CT in HEI, including faculty’s CT knowledge and curriculum redesign. In this direction, the new Brazilian network of CS teacher education programs (ReLic) has a great potential to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue that could help meet the demands of contemporary education.


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How to Cite

PONTUAL FALCÃO, T.; FRANÇA, R. S. de. Computational Thinking Goes to School: Implications for Teacher Education in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 1158–1177, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.2121. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.



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