Computational Thinking as a Support Tool for the Different Learning Development
School Curriculum, Computational Thinking, ToolAbstract
Computational Thinking (CT) expands students' creativity as they generate diverse and unique ideas, inducing a better understanding of other knowledge areas. In this way, the present work aims to identify the bases for computational thinking application, its taxonomies, and the main challenges in the curricular adjustment for CT use with primary education children, considering sixth-year students of Elementary School in the Bagé-RS region. Three public and three private schools participated in this study and the research instrument adopted was a questionnaire, divided into three thematic axes: adoption of computational resources in pedagogical practices, institutional maturity on the CT theme, and pedagogical of educational institution practices. In these teacher views, in addition to the theoretical basis and technical aspects of CT tools, a new curricular proposal needs to consider usability issues, student motivation, teacher facilitation through resources, the institutions structures available, and evaluation ways. In addition, exploring the relationship between CT tools and development is necessary, providing information on which tools can best support learning strategies. The project advances constitute the specific training proposition in the Computational Thinking area aimed at the research participants. Therefore, future activities begin with the group composition involving the Municipal Government, the Regional Coordination of Education, and the representatives appointed by the educational institutions. Then, a short-term course proposition aimed at inserting CT into teaching praxis.
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