The Reassigned Flipped Classroom in the Context of Remote Robotics Teaching for Teacher Education




Teacher Training, Educational Robotics, Flipped Classroom, Active Methodologies


Educational Robotics is a relatively new field that has the potential to bring the student's reality closer to educational content, especially when active learning methodologies are used and multiple areas of knowledge are integrated. In this perspective, given the lack of teacher training solutions in computing and automation, we present in this work an Online Workshop on Introduction to Educational Robotics for teacher training. The objective of this workshop was to promote a reflection and reorientation of innovation strategies for educational practices, preparing teachers to mediate creative learning from the concepts of computational thinking in the development of small robotic projects. This proposal was designed with the Flipped Classroom methodology, but due to the impossibility of performing face-to-face activities because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we redefine the use of this methodology for one for the context of remote teaching of Educational Robotics. In this way, teacher training was carried out entirely online with activities distributed in synchronous and asynchronous moments and with the robotics practices carried out in the Tinkercad online simulator. The results obtained point to relevant points in the practice of remote teaching of robotics that may have a positive impact on the students' learning process, since the practices in robotics led to the understanding and reflection of the steps in solving problems based on Computational Thinking.


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How to Cite

PANCIERI, J. P.; PORTO, B.; OLIVEIRA, M. G. de; BATTESTIN, V. The Reassigned Flipped Classroom in the Context of Remote Robotics Teaching for Teacher Education. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 440–455, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.29.0.440. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.


