Tutoring the Introductory Programming Course at the University of Brasilia
Mentoring, Programming teaching, Computer Science 1, Computing degreesAbstract
According to the ACM report "Retention in computer undergraduate science programs in the US: Data challenges and promising interventions", the first programming course, called CS1 (Computer Science 1) in the report, can influence the students' persistence in computing majors. The first programming course has a high failure rate at the University of Brasilia. In this context, the University of Brasília created a new peer-mentoring program for its CS1 course (Algorithm and Computer Programming), the first programming course in UnB's computing degrees. This new program offers additional office hours on Saturdays, one-on-one scheduled office hours with peer mentors, active tracking of student engagement to identify students who may need help, and review sessions on Saturdays. This paper presents four editions of the program, which took place in the first edition, in the second half of 2020, during the pandemic period, until the first semester after the pandemic period (face-to-face classes), the first semester of 2022. This paper describes the methodology, the results, and the lessons learned.
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