Design and evaluation of a serious game designed to support learning about Brazilian culture




Brazilian Culture, Education, Serious Games


Culture holds immense significance within a society. However, the preservation of cultural content often poses challenges, leading to its eventual oblivion. Recent advancements in computational technology have played a crucial role in mitigating this issue, particularly through the emergence of digital games. These games have not only gained popularity as entertainment artifacts but have also been utilized for educational purposes. It is noteworthy that existing scientific literature demonstrates the utilization of serious games as tools for imparting cultural knowledge. This research enables the development of models and frameworks that facilitate the creation of serious games specifically designed for this purpose. In this context, this work aimed to design and develop a serious game prototype to teach the behavior of “characterizing cultural elements of Brazilian states”, as well as to evaluate preliminary evidence of usability, engagement and potential efficiency for teaching this behavior. As a use case, it was decided to work in the game with cultural elements related to cuisine, historical monuments and the history of cities. Leveraging contemporary frameworks, a Game Design was constructed, and a prototype was subsequently developed utilizing the Unity game engine. The prototype's usability, engagement, and potential efficacy were then assessed by judges representing the target audience. The judges' evaluations yielded positive results, indicating that the prototype possesses the potential to serve as a valuable auxiliary tool for teaching Brazilian culture. Future studies should focus on testing the prototype with participants, comparing their knowledge before and after engaging with the game, to effectively evaluate its teaching efficacy.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, J. K. H.; SILVA, L. F.; HENKLAIN, M. H. O. Design and evaluation of a serious game designed to support learning about Brazilian culture. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 575–601, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.3385. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.


