A process model to looking for signs of learning using concept maps: a case study





Concept maps, Meaningful learning, Map evaluation, Process of maps construction


Concept maps are pedagogical tools widely used to facilitate the teaching and learning process. They are an important instrument for learning assessment including aspects of Ausubel's theory that defines the principles of meaningful learning. Assessment of learning through concept maps are proposed in several works in the literature considering structural and semantic analysis. However, certain learner's cognitive aspects are only observed during the construction of concept maps. Therefore, analyse the maps construction process is essential to improve learning assessment through concept maps. One of the contributions of this paper is to present an evaluation process model which considers a set of efective criteria defined from maps individual propositions, aiming to point out signs of learning, classified as non-learning, rote learning and meaningful learning signs, through a detailed analysis of both maps and maps construction process. The evaluation process can be automated in order to give support for education. We evaluated our process model using a case study that, besides identifying signs from structural and semantics analysis, explore new learning signs from maps construction process. This paper mainly concentrates in the case study exposition and for that it uses a systematic presentation of the map evaluation process model. As the best as we know, our proposal differs from the works in the literature mainly due to the analysis of maps construction process combined with syntatic and semantics analysis of maps to identify signs of learning.


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How to Cite

BOSS, S. L. B.; ANDRADE, A. M. S.; MATOS, E. de S. A process model to looking for signs of learning using concept maps: a case study. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 32, p. 913–943, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2024.3575. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/rbie/article/view/3575. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.




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