Complexity versus difficulty: An analysis of their correlation in programming questions in online judges




Online Judges, Questions difficulty, Difficulty metrics, Complexity metrics, Machine Learning


Automatic code correction environments are increasingly used in the teaching-learning process of programming disciplines. However, a problem often faced by teachers who use these systems is to determine the difficulty of the questions registered in the environment. This work aims to carry out a correlation analysis between code complexity metrics and the difficulty faced by students, so that it is possible to automatically predict the difficulty level of a question just by knowing its solution model. This study was divided into three stages: i) analysis of Spearman’s correlation between complexity metrics (extracted from the question) and difficulty (extracted from the student’s interaction with the question), ii) prediction of the difficulty class of questions through models machine learning for classification and iii) prediction of difficulty metrics using regression models. Regarding item i), it was observed that 96% of the correlations were weak or non-existent between individual metrics of code complexity and difficulty, 4% of cases of moderate correlation and no cases of strong correlation. For item ii), the highest f1-score obtained was 88%, considering classification with two levels of difficulty (“easy” and “hard”), and a maximum f1-score of 67%, considering classification with three levels (“easy”, “medium” and “hard”). For item iii), the best result obtained was an adjusted correlation coefficient of 63%.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, J. C.; CARVALHO, L. S. G. de; OLIVEIRA, D. B. F. de; OLIVEIRA, E. H. T. de; PEREIRA, F. D.; LAUSCHNER, T. Complexity versus difficulty: An analysis of their correlation in programming questions in online judges. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 32, p. 22–49, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2024.3587. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



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