Evaluation of a Digital Game for Teaching Receptive Vocabulary with Special Education Students


  • Lincoln Satoru Sossida Sassaki Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Priscila Benitez Universidade Federal do ABC
  • André Luiz Brandão Universidade Federal do ABC




Specialized Educational Service, Universal design, Inclusive education, Special education target audience, Receptive Vocabulary, Students of special education


The application of digital games has favored either the teaching of receptive vocabulary as human-computer interaction for students with diverse behavioral repertories, which characterizes it as an Assistive Technology’s resource (AT) that promotes receptive vocabulary learning and increases the Specialized Educational Services’ teaching (SES). The aim of this study was to assess whether using a serious digital game would be sufficient to assess and teach receptive vocabulary, in a naturalistic situation, from the perspective of the SES teacher, with students with varied behavioral repertoires (such as intellectual disability, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and paralysis brain). The teaching procedure consisted of four phases. The first phase involved verifying the interest and availability of the SES teacher to participate in the project. The second phase encompassed the application of the pretest, in which the students played without any further instruction. Following, an SES teacher played along with each student, providing additional tips. Finally, the students played without any further instruction (post-test) and were assessed by the teacher's perception of the game. Five students achieved 100% performance in the pretest and, therefore, do not participate in the other phases of the study. The results showed that the game can serve while being used in the SES by Special Education teachers in mainstream schools, plus the use of receptive vocabulary for students with problems and disorders.


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How to Cite

SASSAKI, L. S. S.; BENITEZ, P.; BRANDÃO, A. L. Evaluation of a Digital Game for Teaching Receptive Vocabulary with Special Education Students. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 626–643, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2020.28.0.626. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/rbie/article/view/3689. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.




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