Collaborative Concept Mapping in Bilingual Deaf Education: Framework and Technology Requirements
Bilingual deaf education, Concept maps, Collaborative learning, Computer-supported collaborative learningAbstract
Deaf people in Brazil face significant challenges in accessing and completing formal education. This study aims to enhance bilingual education for the deaf by identifying how collaborative concept mapping can be adopted to address the specific needs of deaf students in the early years of bilingual elementary education. Concept maps provide visual representations of knowledge and are recognized for their ability to promote learning. To accomplish this goal, the research employed the action research method in which deaf students, deaf teachers and hearing teachers from a bilingual school actively engaged in the construction of a collaborative concept mapping framework. The data collection was carried out through interviews, questionnaires, observations, and documentary analysis of the maps produced by the students. Additionally, the research involved video analysis of student interactions during activities with concept maps. This framework consists of five phases: teacher training, process planning, activity planning, student engagement promotion, and activity execution. Each phase provides specific recommendations, validated within the context, serving as the foundation for the development of collaborative support technology.
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