Grouprofile: A Profile Management Model of Learning Groups In Virtual Learning Environment


  • Adalto Selau Sparremberber UFRGS
  • Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa UNISINOS
  • João Carlos Gluz IFRS
  • Aline Zanin PUCRS
  • Taila Poliana Becker UFRGS



grouprofile, profile identification, group profile identification


Every classroom, whether face-to-face or EaD is characterized by the physical or virtual presence of a group of learners and a teacher or tutor. In this group of learners are people with the most diverse profiles, and one of the missions of the educator who is leading the class is to identify this profile of each student and the group. With this profile identification, it is possible for the educator adapt their teaching strategies giving greater attention to students who have more difficulties and valuing the aptitudes of each student. For example: if the student stands out for his proactivity, this characteristic must be explored. In this way, using mechanisms that support this profile identification can help teachers in this process. Considering that it is common in the classroom courses and especially in the EaD courses to make use of virtual environments of teaching, to support partially or totally the activities proposed for the class, we propose in this work the use of a model that collects information of these environments and maps to the teacher the profile of the group of learners in relation to: learners with higher and lower performance; learners with greater and lesser proactivity, reactivity and interest.


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Author Biographies

Adalto Selau Sparremberber, UFRGS


Escola de Engenharia e TI – FADERGS

Escola de Tecnologia – FSPOA/SENACRS

Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa, UNISINOS


João Carlos Gluz, IFRS

IFRS – Campus Canoas

Aline Zanin, PUCRS


Taila Poliana Becker, UFRGS




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How to Cite

SPARREMBERBER, A. S.; BARBOSA, J. L. V.; GLUZ, J. C.; ZANIN, A.; BECKER, T. P. Grouprofile: A Profile Management Model of Learning Groups In Virtual Learning Environment. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 3, p. 369–402, 2019. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2019.27.03.369. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



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