Authors Guidelines

Please read these instructions carefully before submitting your manuscript to the journal.

The process of submission and publication of articles in the Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education has at least two distinct phases: submission for evaluation by the Journal's Editorial Board; and (in case of acceptance) elaboration of the revised version of the work, according to the reviewers' considerations and following the guidelines about metadata and references.

It is strongly recommended that the work is supported by psycho-pedagogy theories, deals with innovative technology artifacts and correctly follows a scientific methodology. It is also expected the software/systems are evaluated in different educational scenarios. We also welcome systematic reviews that include clear research questions, a critical analysis, and directions for new challenges in the area.

Submission for evaluation:

  1. Scientific articles of complete and original work, which were destined exclusively to the Journal, will be evaluated and may be approved by the RBIE Editorial Board. Extended versions from works previously published on events (congresses, symposia, seminars, ...) may be accepted as long as they present at least 30% of additional contribution (it is recommended 50% or more).
  2. The works may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, but there must be an abstract in the English language. The number of pages must be in between 15-30, excluding pictures, references and annexes. The first page must contain the title, authors and filiation, ORCID, electronic address, summary, abstract and keywords. The manuscript must follow the RBIE template (docx or tex) format on its very first submission (attention to remove all the information that may identify the authors, according to the blind review policy).
  3. The files containing the submitted papers must be in PDF format.
  4. A cover letter in PDF format is required with the template provided by RBIE (docxrtf).
  5. The Editorial Board has the right to suggest eventual modifications in the work’s content and structure, which will be solved by the authors. No additions or alterations will be permitted after its dispatch to the editorial composition.
  6. The opinions emitted in the works, as well as how exact or adequate their bibliographical references should be are of the author’s exclusive responsibility.

Note: Scientific articles of complete work are those that follow a scientific method and present research contribution as results. In addition, original work is the one that has not been previously published (exception made to master thesis or phd dissertations); in the case of extended versions, they must have at least 30% of additional content (it is recommended 50% or more) than the original publication (the authors must state it is an extended version in the comments during the submission, also informing where the original version was published).


Peer review process:

All articles submitted to the Journal are peer reviewed  by at least three reviewers (double blind) with analysis and meta-review by a member of RBIE's Editorial Board. The editorial board is formed by PhD with recognized expertise and experience in the field of Computers in Education. 

Authors must submit their articles using the journal's online submission system.

Review flow:

  • All submitted articles go through a preliminary analysis conducted by the editors-in-chief, who assess whether the research topic aligns with the journal's scope and meets the requirements specified on the authors' instructions page. If this initial analysis is positive, the submitted paper is sent to an associate editor to conduct the evaluation phase with the reviewers, or it will get desk reject otherwise. Upon receiving the reviews, the responsible editor performs a meta-review to decide on the acceptance or rejection of the paper. If acceptance is conditional on revisions, the paper will undergo further rounds of review before a final decision is made. Typically, two or three rounds are necessary. After acceptance, the paper moves to the editing stage, where authors must submit the final editable version and update the submission metadata. Finally, the paper undergoes an editorial process to be published.

Response time:

  • The preliminary analysis usually takes place within one to three weeks of submission. The review stage depends on the reviewers' responses and the number of rounds required. In general, each round lasts around 45 days. The average time to publication is 6 months.


Article/editorial processing charges:

The submission and publication of articles in RBIE are free of charge. The journal is mantained by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and its costs are covered by the Special Committee on Informatics in Education (CEIE/SBC).


Ethical concerns:

RBIE is concerned with ethical issues in research involving human subjects. Any research involving human subjects, data included, must comply with current national legislation and international ethical principles. Authors are invited to critically examine their methods and references, striving to avoid and combat different prejudices in science (eg gender bias, race, ethnicity, social class, disability, etc.).

Every manuscript must explain, in its body, the ethical concerns addressed and guaranteed during the research, including the approval number of the research in the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings (Brazilian CEP/Conep System or another equivalent system), when applicable. If the work has not been submitted to an Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings, it is necessary to include a justification in the Cover Letter during manuscript submission. The National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd) published a book on Ethics and Research in Education that includes a specific chapter (chapter 23) that can help with this writing (in portuguese) - available at br/news/comissao-da-anped-apresenta-documento-etica-e-research-em-educacao-subsidios.


CRediT statement:

As of 2024, all submissions must provide a CRediT authorship statement.

The Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) was introduced with the intention of recognizing individual contributions from co-authors, reducing authorship disputes and facilitating collaboration. CRediT offers authors the opportunity to share an accurate and detailed description of their various contributions to published work.

The role(s) of all authors must be listed, in a specific section of the article (before references, included only in the camera-ready version), using the categories below. Roles describe each author's specific and individual contributions to academic and scientific research, and each author may have contributed in multiple roles. The corresponding submission author is responsible for ensuring that descriptions are accurate and agreed upon by all co-authors.

CRediT term



Data curation

Formal analysis

Funding acquisition



Project administration






Writing – original draft

Writing – review &


CRediT authorship statement example:

RDA: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft; AAFB: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Supervision.

Read more information about taxonomy here.