Design and Evaluation of Unplugged Didactic Material for Teaching of Computer Science in Basic Education


  • Marcia E. J. Kniphoff da Cruz Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
  • Samanta Ghisleni Marques Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
  • Wilk Oliveira University of São Paulo (USP)



Computer Science Education, Didactic Material, Teacher Training, Computational Thinking, Unplugged Computer Science


The design of didactic materials for Computer Science education, in parallel with the continued training of teachers, is an urgency in Brazilian Basic Education, to foster work with Computational Thinking skills in schools. Given this need, this research had the following objectives: i) design didactic materials on Unplugged Computer Science for the teaching of Computing in Basic Education (4th and 5th grade of Elementary Education), ii) to train teachers to understand basic concepts of Computational Thinking and use the developed material in Basic Education schools (public education); and iii) evaluate the developed material with the teachers of elementary school. The research involved the design and evaluation of didactic material and promoted continuous teacher training. The data collected from the teachers were categorized and coded to identify the acceptance of the Unplugged Computer Science didactic material. The main results show the didactic material as “Adequate” and “Well accepted” by teachers, and between the created topics, the most used was “Algorithms” and “Pattern Recognition”. At the end of the continuing education meetings, it was also identified that 46% of the teachers demonstrated that they had successfully assimilated the studied concepts. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the didactic material had a high degree of acceptance on the part of the teachers, caused a positive impact on the students, and also evidences the need for further studies proposing and evaluating new didactic materials.


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How to Cite

CRUZ, M. E. J. K. da; MARQUES, S. G.; OLIVEIRA, W. Design and Evaluation of Unplugged Didactic Material for Teaching of Computer Science in Basic Education. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 160–187, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.29.0.160. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



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