Practice of Computational Thinking and Creative Learning in English using Scratch: a didactic sequence




Computational Thinking, Scratch, Creative Learning, Computer Programming, Elementary School


The number of Computational Thinking (CT) initiatives in schools is increasing in several countries. However, Brazil still lacks actions that implement such practice. In the country, a National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC) was created to ensure the right to learn a fundamental set of common knowledge and skills. The document defines the main guidelines for K-12 education, aiming to promote the development of students equally. Among the skills are computer programming and English, which can be an alternative for the practice of CT. This work presents a didactic sequence of programming classes using Scratch in English for Elementary School students, applying the Content-Based Second Language Teaching methodology together with elements of Creative Learning. This experimental design was rescued from the lesson plans of 2018, which were restructured and reclassified according to the revised Bloom's Taxonomy, for the proposition of a didactic sequence. From it and its restructuring, it was possible to analyze the evolution of the hierarchical levels of cognitive domain and the complexity of the developed projects, as well as to show that it is possible to practice a second language or any other content while learning programming. It was also possible to experiment with a free project, with fourth-grade students, using Scratch from the perspective of Creative Learning. In this pilot experiment, it was observed that when students have the opportunity to do something of their own interest, with passion and in a team, they become more engaged in creating the project and achieve different levels of creative learning, sometimes even higher than they would develop in a project predefined by the teacher.


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How to Cite

SILVA, R. S. da; PEREIRA, C. P. Practice of Computational Thinking and Creative Learning in English using Scratch: a didactic sequence. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 925–955, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2866. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



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