HíbriDoC: Method for Classifying Unplugged Computing Activities for use in Blended Learning
CS Education, CS Unplugged, Blended Learning, Classification MethodAbstract
Computer Science Unplugged is a technique that consists of teaching computer science concepts and problems through a collection of face-to-face activities without the use of a computer (commonly referred to as "unplugged" activities). These activities have attracted the interest of teachers and researchers and have been used in various countries around the world, from primary to higher education. However, as in other fields, the recent Covid-19 pandemic has affected engagement in learning activities, due to changes in student-teacher interaction and the adoption of remote teaching methods. This new context has created challenges for the use of Computer Science Unplugged, including its integration into remote teaching and Blended Learning. Addressing this challenge, this work proposes a method for classifying Unplugged Computing activities, intending to identify which activities are most suitable for remote and Blended Learning. The results of our studies show that the tool is suitable for classifying activities. In particular, the study contributes to the field of computer science education by providing a tool capable of classifying Unplugged Computing activities for use in Blended Learning.
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