Qualities of Excellent Teachers According to Computer Science Undergraduates: An Investigation in the Extreme Northern Amazon
Higher Education, Computer Science Education, Student Evaluation of Teaching, Faculty Performance Evaluation, Computer Science StudentsAbstract
Identifying the qualities that characterize excellent teachers is crucial for their training and evaluation. In this study, the aim was to characterize the perception of university students in computer science courses regarding the main qualities of excellent teachers who teach technical subjects in this area. Specifically, we evaluated which was the best data analysis procedure to identify the 10 qualities, what these 10 qualities are, whether there is a difference in the pattern of priorities depending on whether the students are in the first semester (freshmen) or in more advanced semesters (veterans), and whether student characteristics allow us to classify them as individuals who prioritize relational or pedagogical qualities. Data collection involved the use of the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC), an instrument used in international studies to identify what defines an excellent teacher from its list of 28 teaching qualities and corresponding behaviors. This study included 83 "freshman" undergraduates and 136 "veterans," with an average age of 21 years, whose task was to select the 10 qualities from the TBC that they considered to be priorities for a teacher to be considered excellent. The results indicated that the weighted counting method was more appropriate, and that the top 10 qualities were: “14. Knowledgeable about the subject matter”, “06. Effective communicator”, “01. Accessible/available”, “05. Creative and interesting”, “24. Respectful”, “15. Prepared”, “26. Strives to be a better teacher”, “27. Technologically competent”, “28. Understanding”, and “08. Enthusiastic”. We did not find substantial differences in the pattern of qualities selected by freshmen and veterans and identified that variables related to age, ethnic-racial identity, and education were the most determining for a classifier model of the students. We believe that this study contributes to the processes of teacher training and evaluation, and it is important to continue it in future works.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Vinícius da Silva Ribeiro, Matheus Naranjo Corrêa, Lucas Bessa Façanha Pereira, Kevin Willyn Conceição Barros, Marcelo Henrique Oliveira Henklain, Marcelle Alencar Urquiza, Leandro Silva Galvão de Carvalho
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