Think and Wash: Development and evaluation process of an educational digital game to promote Computational Thinking for neurotypical and Intellectual Disabilities children




Computational thinking, Educational digital game, Intellectual disabilities


Computational Thinking (CT) is a necessary skill for everyone to fully experience in today's technological society. CT can be promoted from early literacy through plug-in or unplugged approaches. Educational digital games (EDG) are a dynamic and attractive possibility to promote CT, especially for children. The intellectual skills promoted by the CT, together with the EDG, can help people with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) to improve cognitive deficits, as long as the games have accessibility features to meet this audience's specific needs of interaction. This article presents the construction process of an accessible EDG that aims to promote the development of CT for neurotypical and ID children who are at the beginning of the literacy process. This game was titled 'Pensar e Lavar', as its narrative is the process of washing clothes, in which the pillars of the CT are intrinsically worked on in each phase. Its development process was based on accessibility guidelines, identified by systematic research, and supported by specialists in Education, Specialized Educational Assistance, and People with Disabilities. The game underwent four evaluation stages, including evaluating with target audience, in which 47 neurotypical and ID children participated. As a result, we concluded that the game was accessible and had the potential to promote CP for these children.


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How to Cite

DUTRA, T. C.; MASCHIO, E.; GASPARINI, I. Think and Wash: Development and evaluation process of an educational digital game to promote Computational Thinking for neurotypical and Intellectual Disabilities children. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 659–690, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.3330. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.



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